Beagle Harness - New Reflective Dog Harness for Small Dogs, Medium and Large Dog Multipurpose Use
Beagle harness is a new reflective dog harness with comfortable and reliable design.
Beagle harness is made of light, strong and reliable nylon that may be used in any weather conditions.
Beagle harness is a new model of reflective dog harness with front reflexive strap that helps to find your dog in darkness and protect it from cars if your pet happened to appear at the road.
Your dog will be easy controlled and safe wearing this dog harness. It is easy to catch a dog like Beagle or other small or large dog breed and to keep it near with the help of back handle.
Cast rings by sides makes it possible to use this reflective dog harness for pulling. This Beagle harness can endure heavy loadings and will manage temper of your dog.
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Reflective Dog Harness for Small Dogs, Middle and Large Dog Breeds
Features of this new Beagle Harness:
- Ultra light and strong, water resistant nylon
- 5 sizes for small and large dogs
- Controlling handle
- Comfortable construction
- Cast nickel plated metal details
- Easy regulated size
- Any weather use
- Handcrafted
- Quality Certificate
Use of Reflective Dog Harness:
- K9 training
- Safe walking
- Obedience training
- Off leash training
- Weight pulling
- Service work
Sizes available:
- There are five sizes in stock
Available colors:
Choose also sign patches for this reflective dog harness according to the function of your dog.
All Fordogtrainers products are certified
Check how Reflective Dog Harness looks on Beagle
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Reflective Dog Harness with Handle
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Comfortable Reflective Dog Harness for Small Dogs Walking
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Beagle Harness for Small Dogs, Middle and Large Dogs with Sign Patches
Feedback from Our Customers
Published testimonials are genuine and are not edited or altered by Fordogtrainers.CO.UK
" I will send photo's of the dog with the harness to you once the raffle is won I myself do like your products and have bought from you in the past I use your harnesses on my 2 dogs and find them very good. "
From : Lorraine, UK