Travelling with a Dog in a Car
A Dog in a Car
Travelling with a dog in a car may be very stressful for your pet. That's why it is very important that your dog feels securely and comfortably for all the time of travelling.
There are many dangers in a trip that are to be taken into account before your travel begins.
- Learn the weather forecast for the time of your travelling. Think it over very carefully, whether your dog really needs to be taken with you for a trip?
- Make sure that there is enough room for a dog in a car, that it will not be tightened and forced to sit under straight sunlight.
- Make sure, that a dog is in a shade. Even if the air conditioning is on, it is difficult to endure straight light of sun.�
- Stop the car regularly to let a dog drink a lot of water. Prepare the water before the trip. Use thermos instead of a plastic bottle and add ice. It will keep water cold for a longer time.
- Always clean after dog in public places.
- Walk a dog on a lead in public.

- It is better to leave a dog on a lead at a calm, safe place and leave enough water for a dog to drink.
- Do not exercise your dog in heat.
- Never leave a dog in the sun for a long time.
- Train a dog to travel in a car gradually. Start from short distance trips and gradually make them longer.
- Always identify your pet with an ID tag with the information, that will help to contact you in the case of loss. It may be an ID-tube or a collar with an ID-tag.

- If you travel abroad, your dog is to be chipped. The information from a chip helps people who find a dog to contact the owner.�
- Make a photo of your dog. It will also help you to find your dog in the case of loss. You may place it on ads and a photo will help to describe it better.
- Train your dog to keep calm while travelling, without barking and moving, as it will distract the driver and may become the reason of an accident.
- The best way to travel with a dog in a car is to use a dog car harness or a dog crate, that is attached to a seat belt.
- If your dog is trained and socialized, travelling with a dog in a car will not cause any troubles.
NEW! Travel Dog Water Bowl and Car Dog Lead for Safe Dog Transporting
Author: Julia Bosenko, an experienced manager and customer support ForDogTrainers UK dealing with your needs & questions.