Published testimonials are
genuine and are not edited or altered by Fordogtrainers.CO.UK
Just wanted to let you know that I received the muzzles today and I am very happy; they fit perfectly! I want to express my gratitude to your business for helping me find muzzles that work for my dogs, despite all the complications and long, arduous process!! If there is a place that I can leave good feedback for your business, please direct me there so that I can! I am pleased with how you conduct business and the quality of your products and customer service. I will shop here in the future and direct my fellow dog friends here as well! Thanks again"
From : Rebecca, Ohio, USA
"hi just to let you know my dogs muzzle has come and im really happy with it , it fits great"
From : Tony, UK
"Thanks for the prompt service, the muzzle and clippers arrived on Saturday. My dog accepted the muzzle without any problem and it seems to be a comfortable, if a little generous fit, (see attached photo)."
From : Len, UK
"Thank you we have received the order of muzzle and it fits perfect."
From : Bridgette, UK
"Dear Sirs and Madams, I want to thank you from all my heart for your service, the new muzzle fits like cast-on. I can give only the highest points for your shipping service and the quality of your products!!! Top marks with 10 stars!
Also I am sending the photos of the new muzzle on my dog A.J."
From : Karl-Heinz, Germany
"Hallo, der Maulkorb ist heute angekommen und so nach den ersten paar
anproben denke ich das er auch passt. Der Hund ist zwar noch nicht so
ueberzeugt, toleriert ihn aber dafuer doch schon relativ gut. Finde eueren
Shop super, da es recht schwierig ist anderswo einen guten maulkorb zu
bekommen der dann auch passt. 'Die lieferzeit war auch in ordnung, alles in
allem bin ich sehr zufrieden. Wenns mit Hund und maulkorb besser klappt mach
ich ein foto und schick es euch zu. Liebe Gruesse aus Bayern
Manuela Fries mit Hund Lisa
(Translation: Hello, the muzzle has come today and after a couple of tries I think it fits. Though the dog is not yet sure, tolerated her about it. I think your shop is super, here it is difficult to find a good muzzle somewhere and also to get a well fitting one. The time of shipping was also all right, all in all I am very satisfied. When it goes better with the dog and the muzzle I will make a photo and send it to you. Kind regards from Bavaria Manuela Fries with dog Lisa.)
Date added : 11/04/2013
heute schaffe ich es endlich mal, mich zu melden.
Das Paeckchen kam problemlos an. Von der Qualitaet und der Passform bin ich begeistert. Und der Maulkorb ist ja irre verstellbar - da kann der Kopf ja noch ein Stueck breiter werden :)
Von meinem Hund wurde der Maulkorb sofort akzeptiert, spricht fuer angenehmen Tragekomfort - fuer alle Faelle, ein muss fuer jeden Hundebesitzer, ne Kralle ist schnell mal abgerissen..... braunen Riemen koennte ich mir diesen auch gut vorstellen - vor allem bei hellen Hunden.
Herzliche Gruesse
Heike Bauer
(Translation: Hello, today I manage finally to write you. The package arrived without problems. I'm impressed with the quality and fit. And the muzzle is indeed adjustable - since it may fit a twice larger head :) My dog's immediately accepted the muzzle, speaking about comfortable fit - for all cases, a must for every dog ​​owner, no claw is torn down fast ..... with brown belt .... I could also imagine it good - especially on light fur dogs. Kind regards Heike Bauer
Date added : 02/05/2014