Published testimonials are genuine and are not edited or altered by Fordogtrainers.CO.UK
"Have received the goods, Thank you they are wonderful."
From : Lynn, UK
Hi Natasha, Harness arrived can't believe the quality its really nice looks good on my presa. Will definitely recommend you. When funds are better will order the pulling one. Thanks again Andy
From : Andrew Georghiou, London, Middlesex, UK
Hi Natasha
Tilly and I are delighted with her new harness - it looks lovely, and the best quality you could get (naturally, picture attached!)
Have a good weekend,
Bill & Tilly
thanks got the harness good quality very happy with it
From : Michael, West Yorkshire, UK
Hi there. Just wanted to let you know that the harness was delivered on Friday morning and my son is delighted with it. So is Bruno (the dog). He is a French Mastiff as in the film Turner & Hooch and my son rescued has re-homed him and now he looks amazing! Thank you for all your help. I am delighted with your help and your company.
Thank you
From : Jan, UK
I received the shar pei harness today and wanted to say thank you very much. The harness is great quality and I am very pleased with the purchase.
From : Gordon, UK