Dog Care in Winter


Dog care in winter conditions demands special care and knowledge of problems that may wait for you and your dog. It is better to prevent the problem than to cure it.

Cold winter conditions may cause a lot of problems to dogs and their owners. We will tell you what you should expect, avoid and how to resolve some of the problems with your dog in winter if it has happened.

Supercooling is the most frequent problem that happens to dogs in winter. The common features that point that your dog is supercooled are alike with the same that people have in this case. They shake, bend paws. As a rule, dogs with short fur are more likely to have supercooling. Specialists recommend to wear a warm winter coat for such dog breeds.

More serious problems may happen to puppies of large dog breeds. In� the most of cases these are problems with joints, like arthritis, that is a serious chronic disease.

Specialists recommend to limit time of dog walking outside if the temperature is low. Other dangers are cold rains and sleet. It will be useful to have a wet-resistant coat for your dog.

dog coat

The dogs of small dog breeds are also a risk group. Their possibility to have supercooling is higher and it grows depending on the size of a dog. A small dog has less energy to keep its temperature stable in cold weather conditions. Supercooling of small dog breeds is dangerous with pneumonia that is difficult to be cured.

In the order to prevent supercooling of your dog, do not allow it to lay on the snow, icy surface, encourage it to be active to provide enough muscles activity and temperature regulation of a dog body. Begin with short walking and then gradually make the time of being outside a little longer.

dog coat for German Shepherd

Canine influenza. As we know, viruses lose their activity in low temperatures, that's why the possibility of dogs infection is minimal. But there is a virus that is called adeinovirosis-2 that is not afraid of cold. This disease is well known for a long time and it is also called canine influenza or the disease of Stuttgart.

Canine influenza is caused by a RNA virus. As a virus of influenza, it is constantly mutating that's why there are no guarantees that an injection against it will prevent the illness. But the specialists affirm, that injected pets undergo the illness much easier.

The symptoms of the canine influenza are coughing, sometimes with vomiting. It looks like a dog tries to through a stuck bone out. In the result of such cough there white foam appears.

The canine influenza is cured by restorative medicine and vitamin C. The adeinovirosis itself is not as dangerous as the consequences. In most cases it is a lungs inflammation - pneumonia.

warm dog coat

The possibility of a dog being injured grows in the winter period. First of all, dogs with cold joints have the risk of its dislocation and crick. In the order to prevent these problems you should think of proportional loading of the dog body. Do not allow a dog to lay in the snow for a long time and then get up quickly to hunt the stick you throw. The negative consequences will surely follow.

The other reason of dog injures is ice. A dog may easy slip and get hurt. Young dogs overloaded with energy are the most subject to this. A dog may cut it's paws over the hard icy surface. Be careful with unknown subjects hiding in snow. The snow may hide broken bottle pieces, metal details and many other dangerous items. Additional attention is needed also at the roads with traffic. It is not easy for a driver to push on brakes fast enough on slippery icy surface.

warm dog coat

One more problem is that pathways and roads are sprinkled with special means for ice and snow melt. These means may be dangerous for dog's paws. In most cases it is salt. It causes irritation and a dog feels discomfort and pain. The sores appear and they are not easy to cure. If you see your dog limping, walk it along a clear snow to clean the paws. You may save the paws of your pet before going outside. Do them with silicone cream or any cream that may create a surface on a dog skin that will prevent it from dangerous means. You may also wear boots for a dog that will save it from salt, acids, injures and cold. There are special creams and means for dog paws with antiseptic abilities preventing irritation and eliminating bad smell.

Do not let a dog eat snow near pathway or road. Your pet may be poisoned with the means spread for snow melt and car exhaust that the snow absorbs. After a walk wash a dog with shampoo. Otherwise a dog may lick the poison while licking its fur.

Do not leave a dog in a car in cold weather. The heating is off and the temperature in the car will get lower quickly. If you will leave the heating on the dog may be poisoned with car exhaust.

Choose a dog muzzle that will be comfortable for your dog to wear in cold weather conditions. It is a well-ventilated leather muzzle that does not stick to dog's nose or tongue in frost and does not burn it with cold surface. It is made for each dog breeds special snout form.


 leather dog muzzle