English Bull Terrier Collar with Sign Patches for Dog Training
English Bull Terrier collar is made of strong nylon of high quality, that is a very good benefit for reliable long-term use. Nylon does not stretch if got wet. Thus it may be used successfully in any weather conditions.
This dog training collar for English Bull Terrier is equipped with a quick-release plastic buckle and cast stainless steel D-ring for lead and tag adjusting.
This English Bull Terrier collar is also supplied with adjustable patches for service dog, in training, k9 dog, military dog, police dog or search and rescue. Choose patches for your needs and enjoy high quality dog training equipment.
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Dog Training Collar for Use in Any Weather!
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Strong Dog Training Collar for English Bull Terrier
The benefits of dog training collar:
- Strong nylon strap
- Does not stretch if gets wet
- Lightweight
- Equipped with cast D-ring
- Quick-release buckle
- Easy to regulate the size
- Quality Certificate
Perfectly adopted for:
- Walking
- Training
- Work
- Middle dogs
- Large dogs
Choose the size:
- 17.5-20 inches (44-50 cm)
- 20-23.5 inches (50-60 cm)
- 23.5-32 inches (60-82 cm)
- 1.5 inch wide
Look how the suitable patches for this dog training collar according to service of your dog look. Choose a suitable patch while filling in the order.

All Fordogtrainers products are certified
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English Bull Terrier Collar with Strong Quick-Release Buckle
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Nylon Dog Collar for English Bullterrier
Nylon Dog Collars
Leather Dog Collars