Published testimonials are genuine and are not edited or altered by Fordogtrainers.CO.UK
This collar is very well made, of good quality, and beautiful. Guy answered our questions promptly via e-mail. We highly recommend these collars and will be repeat customers if we're in need of another dog collar.
Date Added: 05/05/2013 by Scott Sills, Texas, USA
I Bought this collar for my black lab and I have to say that it is stunning. This isn't my first order with Dog Trainers and it won't be my last. Thank You for the quality products. Lois M. Pittsburgh, PA
Date Added: 09/11/2012 by Lois McKee
Just got the collar today. So far from what I see, this collar is excellent. It seems firmly made with very nice leather. It fits perfectly around my canine friend's neck and he is completely comfortable with it. I couldn't be happier with this product and I will certainly recommend this company to anyone that comments on the collar. Thanks. Matt from Cincy
Date Added: 08/15/2012 by Matt Stitzel
Hallo danke, die Lieferung ist prompt eingetroffen und sieht sehr gut aus. Leider hatte ich mich mit der Länge etwas vertan so, dass ich das Halsband etwas kürzen musste. Mein Tipp wäre, dass sie vorschlagen wie genau gemessen werden muss. Die Leine würde ich das nächste mal etwas breiter bestellen. in der Beilage Bilder von "Ashley" mit Halsband
(Translation: Hi, thanks, delivery has arrived promptly and looks very good. Unfortunately I had missed something so that I had to cut something with the length of the collar. My tip would be that they suggest as must be accurately measured. The line I would order the next time a little wider. in the supplement images of "Ashley" with collar
Date Added: 02/11/2014 by A. Rieder