Dog Training Collar for Labrador - Strong Nylon Dog Collar with Sign Patches for Service Dogs, Dog Training, Search&Rescue, K9 Dogs etc.
Dog training collar for Labrador is a new nylon dog collar for daily dog walking, dog training, dog service etc.
Nylon dog collar for Labrador is wide, strong and reliable for long term use.
Dog training collar for Labrador is equipped with strong quick-release buckle. You may easy regulate the size of the nylon dog collar strap with the help of additional buckle.
Choose this dog training collar with special sign patches for your dog intended use: IN TRAINING, SEARCH&RESCUE, K9 DOGS, CUSTOMS, POLICE K9, SERVICE DOG, MILITARY K9, SECURITY, SHERIFF. Choose the needed variant at the top of the page while ordering the collar.
This dog training collar is equipped with a strong cast steel D-ring for lead and tag adjusting. Perfect dog collar for dog training.
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Strong Dog Training Collar for Any Weather Use
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Nylon Dog Collar with Patches
The benefits of dog training collar:
- Strong nylon of high quality
- Does not stretch if gets wet
- Lightweight
- Equipped with strong cast steel D-ring for lead adjusting
- Strong quick-release buckle
- Regulated size
- International Quality Certificate
Perfectly adopted for:
- Medium and large dog
- Daily dog walking
- Dog training
- Service dogs
- Police dogs
Choose the size:
- 17.5-20 inches (44-50 cm)
- 20-23.5 inches (50-60 cm)
- 23.5-32 inches (60-82 cm)
- 1.5 inch wide
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Nylon Dog Collar with Sign Patches
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Strong Dog Training Collar with Cast D-Ring
Look how the suitable patches for this dog training collar according to service of your dog look. Choose a suitable patch while filling in the order.

All Fordogtrainers products are certified
View how this dog training collar looks on Labrador
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Dog Collar for Medium and Large Dog Walking, Training and Service
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Dog Training Collar for Labrador
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Dog Training Collars Look and Fit Perfectly on Labradors!
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Labrador Coby with His New Collar by ForDogTrainers, from Our Italian Customer
Leather Dog Collars
Nylon Dog Collars
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How to train a dog to walk on a lead without pulling
Contact walking and dog lead length