Large Strong Leather Dog Collar with massive vintage brass plates
A Large Strong Leather Dog Collar is designed for strong, active and stylish dogs comfort and reliability. It is made of strong wide (1,5" wide) natural leather strap of high quality with waxed edges for reliable use. Dog collar is decorated with brass gorgeous vintage plates handset with safe brass rivets.
Currently we do not stock designer dog collars with adornments. They are custom made when ordered. The production takes 1-2 months due to the temporal difficulties with logistics. If you are ready to wait for your smart dog accessory you are welcome to place your order with us.
This Large Strong Leather Dog Collar is created for reliable control and handling of your dog.
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Large Strong Leather Dog Collar with Massive Brass Vintage Plates
Large Strong Dog Collar features:
- Thick (3,5 mm) well-oiled leather with waxed edges
- Massive vintage brass plates
- Handset and reliably fastened by polished safe brass rivets
- Strong cast buckle and ring for dog lead
- Certified Quality
Large Strong Dog Collar use:
- Large and medium-sized dog walking
- Strong dog control
- Active dog handling
Sizes of this Studded Dog Collar:
- Sizes for dogs with a neck size from 18 to 35 inches
- Width 1 1/2 inch (38 mm)
- Weight 0.83 lbs (380 g)
- black
- brown
- tan (natural)
Check how the Large Strong Dog Collar looks on large dogs: Bullmastiff and Mastino Napolatano
Photos from our Customers
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Leather Dog Collar for Strong, Active, Middle and Large Dogs
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Nice and Strong Dog Collar on Neapolitan Mastiff
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Photo of this nice dog collar in tan color on Bandogge Mastiff with owner Sergey Berezovsky, SBK9 Kennel Club of Germany&Ukraine
If you like a braided leather leash at this photo, you may see more details and order it here.
Feedback from Our Customers
Published testimonials are genuine and are not edited or altered by Fordogtrainers.CO.UK
"...Once again thanks for the lovely collars specially the gorgeous collar with massive plates in natural tan, it has such a lovely supple feel to the leather. Kind Regards"
From : Sandra, Essex, UK
I am 100% satisfied with collar and harness. Awesome worked. You've at least got a new customer. Thanks for the fast delivery and quality goods. I use Google Translate Trance, hope it will be understandable.
From : Ann, Norway, 04/28/2014