Leather Care Tips. Leather Dog Muzzle, Collar & Harness care

Leather care tips for dog harnesses, dog muzzles and collars

Leather for dogs, as well as for people, is one of the most pleasant materials. It does not cause allergy, in the hot weather it does not overheat, and in frosty - does not freeze through as metal does, and in addition, it keeps form well enough, and it is much lighter, than metal muzzles.

Such dog muzzle should be made of a quite strong, but not thick leather, have quite big holes to provide a good heat exchange, and have the form, that lets a dog open jaws and breathe free.

It is important to turn attention, that such dog muzzles need special care. Without it leather chaps and cracks quickly and rivets, that join it, rust and then a dog muzzle may break at the joints. Besides, it is unpleasant to take such a dog muzzle in hands after use, as well as leather absorbs all moisture, that exhales while dog's breathing, and it becomes dirty quickly. That's why, if you stop your choice on a leather basket dog muzzle, you should carefully evaluate the quality of leather (it should be strong and solid), and rivets (there should be no rust or jags on the back that may hurt a dog).

Leather Softening Cream-Balm for Leather CarePreparation of leather muzzle for use

At first we recommend to process a leather dog muzzle with the following technology:
  1. Process a new leather dog muzzle evenly inside and out by a brush or cotton pellet with castor or linseed oil. To process a leather dog muzzle it is enough to use 30-40 ml of oil depending on size of the item. It is recommended to use a special leather care conditioner.
  2. Spread the leather conditioner on all surface of a dog muzzle, wait till it's full absorbing within 15-20 minutes.

Maintenance of a leather dog muzzle

As any other leather item, a dog muzzle made for your pet needs proper care. We exhort to make mechanical cleaning of a dog muzzle from dirt, dust, saliva, grass, seed and so on after every walk. Dirty dog muzzle is a source of infection!

After cleaning of a dog muzzle by a brush or washed with running water, it is necessary to dry it with rags.

It is not recommended to dry it at open fire, on batteries, close to heating items. Intensive influence of heat may be unfavorable for state of leather of which the dog muzzle is made. The same recommendations are for leather dog collars and leather dog harnesses.

Storage tips for leather dog muzzles

Keep a dog muzzle in a warm dry place putting it into a special bag of natural cloth (flax, cotton).

We hope that keeping to our advices will prolong the service of a dog muzzle you purchased.


Categorically deprecated:
  • Use food oil for impregnation
  • Use automobile oil and lubricants
  • Drawn a whole item into oil for impregnation
  • Put a leather item into microwave oven for processing
  • Take in bare hands an item that is heated after the thermal treatment (pay special attention to metal details!)
  • Change construction and shape of an item by yourself

A Muzzle for a Dog is Not an Accessory, But a Necessity

Not every owner of a dog, even if it is a large dog, hurries to purchase a muzzle considering that an animal would feel uncomfortable wearing it. Of course, it takes time to train a dog to a muzzle. But if an accessory is chosen correct, there would no problem appear.

Why does a dog need a dog muzzle?

Though a dog is a friend of a human, it can be dangerous. A dog muzzle is necessary if you are taking your pet by a bus, walk with it along a crowded street. It is needed more rare for small dogs. But if you have an appointment to a veterinary, you will not get along without this accessory.

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