Published testimonials are genuine and are not edited or altered by Fordogtrainers.CO.UK
Hi! Just to let you know my dogs muzzle has come and I'm really happy with it , it fits great.
From : Tony, UK
We have received this beautiful Muzzle, but we have not put it on Benny yet. Its made of Quality! I will let you know how it fits, I have to go slow with him, Hes tore 2 up at the vets . :) Warmest Regards
From : Amy, UK
Well, just inform you all that, My dog was able to keep this muzzle on, he looked Bad to the Bone walking down the dirt road, Parents grabbed their children and watched him walk by, one little girl yells out "Look Daddy a Police Dog" I thought he was going to give me some trouble but with a "hot dog" inside mashed up at the tip, was that a treat and he was proud to wear your muzzle . WE all loved it. Benny is from Hungary Germany, and I had him flown into Orlando. Hes been big help in guarding our premises and deserves the very best. I just wanted to thank you all . Warmest Regards
From : Amy, UK