Light Black Plastic Dog Muzzle for Strong Protection Size 3

Hello, after I've got the muzzle, unfortunately, with a little delay (that have been shipped already) I would like to write shortly about it. And exactly about the points I've been asking for, and what I am doing with pleasure:).
So, here we have its pros and cons. Why I am still giving it 5 stars I am describing below.
Impressive quality, strength, and durability! The material is top notch and hard to bite (still, I hope it is true:D My dog is a little stubborn and tries to destroy it ^ ^ ...)!
It is heavier than common dog muzzles!
Well done without shortcomings!
As I have a sporty Red Nose Pitbull, as usually in Germany (they are more "Pitbully" in the USA (stronger, different behaviour etc.)). Unfortunately, the muzzle has too much space that's why it is a little roomy now. There is an opening in the lower area, that is not seen at the photos, though the muzzle is noted as a "closed dog muzzle"! I would prefer it to be fully closed. Now I need to pay again to close the opening and it is not too pleasant. This is what I find negative.
Weak points:
As I have mentioned previously, it is the opening at the lower area, that cannot be seen at the photos. The rounding at the nose opening is made of nylon. As my dog is digging the ground constantly, it will get thinner sooner or later. Nylon is not the best choice when it goes about rubbing.
It would be nice if in spite of all the well done stitches they would be glued additionally.
Or something like that. Because if a dog will try to take the muzzle off it would wear off, I suppose. That's why I hope it will not fail at once:P.
That's all.
In spite of all the negative and weak points, I am happy and giving it 5 stars, though I would have to take 1 or 2 off. But for the muzzle is so durable and quality and I am satisfied and keeping them all. Concluding it all I may just tell: top quality product, that will serve for a long time :).

Dan-Yorick, Berlin, Germany, 07/11/2018
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars