How to Get Your Puppy to Stop Biting
To teach a puppy is much easier than an adult dog. Activity and
excitability are peculiar to a puppy, but for his owner it is
important that uncontrolled behavior won't become a usual thing when
he grows up.
What to do about aggressive puppy biting. Learn some useful tips:
Distraction training for puppies
Puppy is like a child, so he should have a lot of different toys. Explain to the pup that he can chew and bite only his toys. If he bites your hand, unclench the jaws and slip the ball into him. The dog must find out that the owner's hand is only to stroke him. Do not let your little pooch play with your belongings, hands and feet. Make him understand this from childhood, not to correct it in future.
Do not punish a puppy for up to 3 months. Don't slap a puppy with a hand. It's better to take a newspaper for this purpose. Teach a little trainee such commands as "Stop", or "No". And if he bites you, say the command. You can reinforce it with punishment, if necessary. After some time, the dog will understand why you are unhappy.
If a puppy bites constantly during the game, then you should leave it alone for a while. After a bite, stop playing and go to another room, ignore the causer. The puppy must understand that his actions hurt you, and that after a bite a game always stops. When a small pet realizes this, he will treat you more carefully.
Up-raising and training
A puppy should be able to exercise his natural instincts and
certainly in a human-friendly way. While training consider the
characteristics of a breed. Teach your puppy to behave quietly
during your classes.
The puppy has to know his place. Prepare a litter, a couch or a booth for him. If he bites you, send him off towards his place in austere tone. During training, encourage a pet. After a dog has performed your command give him a treat.
Encourage your puppy to commit and obey, try to become an authority from the first days of dog's stay in a house. If a pet doesn't obey and continues to bite you, experts recommend to take his crest and press him to the floor. In a such way a leader of a dogs flock demonstrates his strength.
Do training with your puppy regularly, and your four-legged friend will grow into an obedient and friendly dog.
Find here a big choice of Cool Dog Toys for your biting puppy.