What Do Dog Muzzles Do?

Intended Use of Dog Muzzles:

1. Training examination

2. protection of helpers, that train security and K9 dogs

3. protection of people and dogs from too aggressive dogs

4. Training, when there is a risk for an owner to be attacked when he practices dog's abilities

5. To prevent dog chewing objects when the owner is out

6. Effective in use on a new dog at a strange home with other pets for their protection

7. Vet visiting and hygienic procedures

8. In cases of aggression to guests and children

9. To prevent a dog from destroying of objects

The main intended use of a dog muzzle is protection and training examination.

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When a dog muzzle is not the answer?

There is often a question, which dog muzzle is better for dogs who live together and constantly show aggression to each other. In this case it is better to use boxes for dogs and serious, quality training, but not a muzzle.

Dog muzzles just cover problems, but do not decide them. For example, if it is used for prevention a dog to bite another one, it does not resolve the problem and if there will not be control, the problem will last.

As for the problem of dogs and children, a dog muzzle resolves only a part of the problem. Never leave a dog and a child alone, even if a dog is muzzled. Police trainers may confirm how dangerous is a muzzled dog. It may beat off teeth of an adult person, hurt eyes, break bones and even worse. Thus, dog muzzle is just a temporal salvation of a problem. Observing, control, training and sometimes leash the only correct decisions of dog aggression control.

K9 Dogs Muzzle for Rottweiler Training, Attack and Agitation Police Dog Muzzle for K-9 Dogs Extra Large Wire Basket dog muzzle for Great Dane

Leather Dog Muzzles

Wire Dog Muzzles

Dog muzzle - pick up a suitable dog muzzle

Which Dogs Need to be Muzzled in UK

Teaching a dog to wear a muzzle (Muzzle Training)

How to train a dog to a muzzle

Author: Julia Bosenko, an experienced manager and customer support ForDogTrainers UK dealing with your needs & questions.